lokepub / Action&Adventure / Walton (The K9 Files #26)
Walton (The K9 Files #26)

Walton (The K9 Files #26)

  • AuthorDale Mayer
  • GenreAction&Adventure
  • PublisherValley Publishing Ltd.
  • File Size:765.8 KB
  • Date:05 Nov 2024

  Walton Headly enjoys getting out and being as active as he can be, given his missing leg. However, playing soccer now is hard to adapt to, compared to playing soccer before his injury. He has been in rehab for a long time and now reaches a need to do more. Searching for a missing War Dog sounds like a great way to ease back into a working life.

  Chelsea Brown, a physical therapist, had helped get Walton back on his feet. He is one hell of a man but is struggling after that last soccer game. Her invitation to contact her older brother at his hunting lodge for any information on the missing War Dog yields more than expected. Together they head north to visit her brother and to check out the dog, who has just arrived with the new guests.

  Finding out the guests are not ordinary hunters—and the dog is not an ordinary dog—causes conflict from the first meet. And goes steadily downhill. When the dog’s owner turns up dead, all hell breaks loose. It’s all Walton can do to keep the two—no make that three—of them safe …

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