I’ve never been a good bet.
I wear my emotions on my tattoo-covered sleeve, I say all the wrong things and I revel in pissing off a certain redhead far more than I should. In other words, I’m the last person the court would choose to parent any child, let alone three of them.
Yet being their father is all I want.
So when the woman I love to hate offers to help make all my dreams come true, I jump at the chance. Marrying Ava is a convenient solution: shes my kids favorite person and the court will absolutely approve of the woman who runs the biggest charity in Boston.
But there is nothing convenient about the way I feel when she fights with me, or when we kiss. And Im not sure which I enjoy more.
This marriage may have a time limit but Im beginning to think Id like to keep my wife. She’ll probably fight me on it, but as they say, all’s fair in love and war.